Demonstration Lessons
We provide personalised services specifically tailored for your school:
Synchronous demonstration lessons
Asynchronous demonstration lessons
Technical support for delivery of quality lessons
Quality feedback for students
Collecting formative assessment data
Professional Development
We provide personalised services specifically tailored for your school:
We provide webinars on:
Effective teaching practices
When to use synchronous and asynchronous strategies
Online educational resources​
Structuring days / weeks / months
We offer co-teaching opportunities to support the sustainable implementation of eLearning pratices
Help support a continuous learning system at your school
Developing eLearning Guidelines
We provide personalised services specifically tailored for your school:
We can support the development of:
Teacher guidelines​
Student expectations
Parent support guides
Assessment & reporting
Staff roles
Digital citizenship guidelines
Support for Online Resources
We provide personalised services specifically tailored for your school:
There are so many resources to choose from. We provide support at choosing quality resources to support your continuous learning program.
We can demonstrate, model, support & co-teach:
Synchronous classes - Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom​
Asynchronous classes - Seesaw, StoryBird, FlipGrid, Padlet,
Support identifying and using quality online resources